Our Professional Staff
Our experienced providers are committed to a high standard of patient care and are here for you throughout every stage of your hearing journey.
Who We Are
Selecting a qualified hearing aid provider is one of the most important keys to your success. Proper hearing aid recommendation and fitting is highly dependent on the judgement and skill of the professional selecting your hearing aids. Furthermore, you will be forging a long term relationship with this individual and practice, just as you do your doctor or dentist.
Our main focus is to provide superior customer service. We always spend the extra time needed to teach the patient how use and care for their hearing aids.
Digital Hearing Aid Centers has been helping people hear better for over 20 years. Our hearing aid dispensers continually attend advanced training to stay up to date on latest methods and technology. As technology advances, we advance in our evaluations and our choices of hearing amplification. We are proud to be providers of the top manufacturers in the world. We are equally proud to be able to provide hearing aid systems that make your communication life easier, whether that is to be able to listen to TV better, to hear your spouse clearer, and enjoy music again. The ability to hear and understand those around you is crucial to your health, communication and happiness.

Our Hearing Specialist